Notebook Batchfiles for Windows |
Alex van Buitenen |
This is not a Batchfile tutorial or Quick Reference.
It is just my personal notebook for batchfiles.
if not exist <filename> goto :error
set param1=%1
set param2=%2
set param3=%3
set param4=%4
REM controleer parameter-aantal
IF "%1"=="" GOTO Error1
IF "%2"=="" GOTO Error1
IF "%3"=="" GOTO Error1
IF "%4"=="" GOTO Error1
@ECHO Het aantal opgegeven parameters klopt niet.
@ECHO Aanroep moet zijn:
@ECHO call <filename>l.bat <parameter1> <parameter2> <parameter3> <parameter4>
(type SET /? to see help for this command on your Windows version.
Window help-file (opened by pressing F1 on desktop) does not always show
all parameters for this command on different Windows versions)
SET choice=
SET /p choice=Wilt u doorgaan? [J of N]
IF NOT '%choice%'=='' SET choice=%choice:~0,1%
IF '%choice%'=='J' GOTO START
IF '%choice%'=='j' GOTO START
IF '%choice%'=='N' GOTO CANCEL
IF '%choice%'=='n' GOTO CANCEL
Example: execute all test*.bat files
calling from batchfile:
for %%A in (test*.bat) do %%A
calling from command prompt:
for %A in (test*.bat) do %A
Use %variable to carry out for from the command prompt. Use %%variable to
carry out the for command within a batch file.
Bron: Windows Technet. zoek op "Command-line reference A-Z".