Setting up NDoc, NUnit and FxCop as external tools in Visual Studio 2003.

This page describes how I've set up several .Net tools to call them easily from within a Visual Studio .NET project.
It's quite simple, but to avoid having to figure it out again when I needed it at another PC or  laptop, I wrote it down.

The tools described are:


NDoc is a Code Documentation Generator for .NET.
It is open source and can be foud at

User Guide at
Programmers' Reference at

This how I've set it up in Visual Studio:

First time use:

The first time you use it, the NDoc project doesn't exist yet, so you will get an error message when calling it with Tools, NUnit:

Start NDoc, create a project and save it in your project-folder in a new directory "NDoc".
Next time when calling it with "Tools, NUnit", the project will be loaded.



NUnit can be found at



FxCop can be found as